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Imvu old client. Ctrl+Shift+NumPad., 1 Ctrl+Shift+NumPad., 2 Ctrl+Shift+NumPad., 3 Ctrl+Shift+NumPad., 4 Ctrl+Shift+NumPad., 5 Expand all the collapsed fragments in the file up to the specified nesting level. Fold Selection / Remove region. I removed FoldingText from the Mac App Store last week. The download at is still there, and requires a license, but I've changed the license price to $0. I'm in the process of trying to decide what t 35: 6686: July 1, 2020. FoldingText Extensions. Extensions, scripts, themes for FoldingText 2 — Direct, App Store. Each plugin is described in its own README file (inside each plugin folder). To install a plugin, drag its.ftplugin folder into your FoldingText Plug-Ins folder. Open this folder from within FoldingText with the menu command File Open Application.

The Folding Text Story

December 31, 2017

From 2001 to 2007 I made a program called Mori. My goal was to create the perfect information manager. A place to record, process, and create ideas. It did everything that I thought I wanted…

  • FoldingText 2.0.2 ابزار ، کاربردی ، ویرایشگر وبسایت تخصصی مک نید، اولین مرجع سیستم عامل مک در ایران و برترین مرجع برای دستگاه‌های اپل است.
  • APP Download - NetEase.

Workspaces v0 9 3. It turns out I liked plain text better. It didn't do as much, but it is clean, simple, and direct. Just me and my ideas without a bunch of user interface widgets in the way.

This left me in an embarrassing situation. I worked all day in my fancy information manager, and kept all my notes in plain text files on my desktop. Eventually I sold Mori.

Foldingtext 2 1 1

But text files aren't perfect either. After a while they get messy and are hard to understand and navigate. I think being free to make a mess is important, but without a way to eventually create structure they break down.

So in 2007 I created TaskPaper. It gave me a simple syntax to divide my text files up into projects, tasks, and notes. And it allowed me to filter those files so I could find things. It still works today, but it's intended for todo lists. I wanted to try again and make a more flexible solution.

That's why I created FoldingText.

It takes what I've learned building TaskPaper and tries to keep the good stuff, fix the mistakes, and make it more flexible. Tap forms 5 3 90. It's my next stab at a 'plain text productivity'. I hope it's useful!


FoldingText 2.2 Release

May 11, 2016

  • New: Outline View. View your entire document structure at a glance, and focus on the part of the document you want to work on. To show Outline View, use the View > Show Outline View, or Cmd-Alt-T
  • Update CodeMirror library to latest
  • Fix: Paddle registration issues
  • Fix: Random crash on application startup
  • Fix: Composition helper not showing up at cursor location
  • Fix: Allow Alt-Space to enter Non-breaking Space within text
  • Fix: Drag-drop not working
  • Fix: Drag-drop links to url not pasting actual url
  • Fix: Text becoming visually thinner near the bottom of the window
  • Fix: Emails containing _ were not fully detected


FoldingText 2.1 Release

October 13, 2015

  • Fixed Show All
  • Added View > Open Link
  • Added .calc mode
  • Added .stopwatch mode
  • Renamed .time mode to .schedule
  • Added Focus Out menu item
  • Added support for smart pairs: (), {}, etc.
  • Added 'soundName' option when displaying notifications
  • Convert to list better handles level 0 body text
  • Control-Return inserts line separator
  • Added bottom padding and typewriter scrolling options to code. Not yet exposed in UI
  • Hold down Command when clicking on tag to include tag descendants in results
  • Space after snippet text will now expand the snippet. Use Option-Space to escape that behavior
  • Added logging of path used to check licensing
  • Added DefaultItalicSyntaxChar and DefaultBoldSyntaxChar options
  • Don't show 'Show License' menu item if not activated
  • Documented clockTick as a public extension point
  • Fixed Clicking on Node path links
  • Fixed limit smart pairs to (),[], {}, and ''
  • Copy License key into paddle version of the app
  • Fixed parsing of web links containing underscores
  • Fixed crash when node path contained empty string //''
  • Try harder to open a file with an unknown plain text encoding
  • Fixed crash when generating placeholder for special chars
  • Fixed problem where .schedule would run after closing document
  • Fold nodes command updated handle empty node at top of selection case better
  • Added MultiMarkdown processor for Copy as (RTF, HTML, LaTex) conversions. End results is the Edit > Copy as options all work much better now
  • Fixed escape key removes multiple cursors if used instead of doing autocomplete

Going forward Mutahhir Ali, who also worked with me to create FoldingText, will maintain FoldingText. Mutahhir will focus on bug fixes and keeping FoldingText working into the future.


FoldingText 2.0.2 Release

June 16, 2014

  • Enabled iCloud (Mac App Store)
  • Github task list formatting
  • MultiMarkdown footnote formatting
  • Improved CJK text input and word count
  • More API documentation
  • Fixed printing problems
  • Fixed broken URLs in the documentation
  • Fixed undo grouping for Move Left and Move Right commands
  • Fixed problems running on case sensitive file systems

Foldingtext 2 1 12 Times


FoldingText 2.0 Release

June 3, 2014

I'm sorry this update took so long. FoldingText's been rewritten 2 or 3 times since the last release. It's been a long journey, but is back on track now.

Please treat 2.0 as a new app. Explore the menu's, browse the documentation. Give it all another try. Changes are everywhere, here are a few of the big ones:

Foldingtext 2 1 1 Admin

  • Much improved editor. FoldingText now uses the open source CodeMirror editor component and is much more stable.

  • Expanded syntax highlighting. Markdown, GitHub Markdown, CriticMarkup, and large parts of MultiMarkdown.

  • New Software Development Kit. The API's are now documented, more powerful, and easier to debug.


FoldingText 1.2 Release

February 27, 2013

  • Added Command Mode (Command-‘) interface.
  • Added Plugin support (Help > Plugin API Documentation)
  • Added Typewriter scrolling (View > Typewriter Scrolling)
  • Run scripts from command mode (File > Open Scripts Folder)
  • Changed to insert after fold when pressing return.
  • Changed default node path from /*///* to ///*.
  • Changed AppleScript read nodes command to always return list.
  • Select syntax when toggling bold, italic, and code.
  • Reveal file links in Finder instead of trying to open them.
  • Fixed some repetitive steps in the focus out process.
  • Fixed syntax highlighting of mode declared on empty line.
  • Fixed Reference links to now work with capital letters.
  • Fixed crash when focusing out on heading with ‘/' character.
  • Fixed error evaluating @index = 1 node path predicates.
  • Fixed performance bug when many lines are folded.
  • Fixed potential lost changes when editing after autosave.
  • Fixed losing focus when zooming in and out.
  • Fixed crash when ordered list is followed by unordered ‘*' list.
  • Fixed crash when jumping to next spelling error when folded.
  • Fixed crash when dragging and dropping text.
  • Fixed crash when Moving Section Left when contained empty lines.
  • Fixed crash when trying to open document that you don't have permission to read.

This release brings FoldingText one step closer to 'Plain text productivity platform for geeks.' FoldingText is now extensible through a Javascript plugin API. This release also include a Command Mode which provides a quick and consistent way to use and expose plugin commands without having to remember tons of keyboard shortcuts.


FoldingText 1.1 Release

November 19, 2012

  • Welcome text is only shown on the first launch.
  • Markdown escape sequences are now highlighted.
  • Repeat tags or tags that use reserved words are not highlighted.
  • New window location is set from last positioned window.
  • Menu item choice changes are used as defaults for new documents.
  • Collapsing a childless node will collapse it's parent instead.
  • Fixed Items > Change Type > Codeblock now works.
  • Fixed Copy as RTF to work correctly with characters such as Æ Ø Å.
  • Fixed File path links for absolute and relative paths now work.
  • Fixed No longer show spelling errors in smart links.
  • Fixed Inline link highlighting that included title attributes.
  • Fixed warnings displayed on FoldingText launch.
  • Fixed Finding text in last section works even if it's collapsed.
  • Fixed Finding text works correctly when the view is focused in.
  • Fixed Bold highlighting now works in tab-indented block-quotes.
  • Fixed Internal crashes caused by invalid AppleScript parameters.
  • Fixed Cases where link URLs could inadvertently be deleted.

This release also makes lots of changes to expand the AppleScript support. Swivik 0 2 13. It adds support for more precise selection control, read/write access to the view node path, and the ability to expand and collapse nodes. It also adds an HTTP style interface that's easy to use from other languages and might make more sense to web programmers. See User's Guide > AppleScript Support for more information.

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